Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life is like a motion picture, it is constantly moving and changing.
The people you met, the thing you do, the possession you have.

The people who you knew today, may be the strangers of another day.
The thing that you did today, may be the karma of another day.
The possession that you earned today, may not be yours of another day.

I pray in my heart...
The people who I knew today, will be the loves ones of my life.
The thing that I did today, will bring good luck of my life.
The possession that I earned today, will be of good purpose of my life.

A room of glitters, a room of darkness.
A group of friends, a single soul.
A round of laughters, a tingle of silence.
Making merry with dance and music, staring quietly by the night.
Under the flame of a candle, praying secretly in my heart...


Anonymous said...

Hey girl, love your poem! ^o^ You do have a special talent in poetry writing ya. Hmm...人生如戏,戏如人生...There will always be a time when we need to let go of something or someone we once cherished but no longer has a positive purpose in our life. Most importantly, we have lived an experienced those moments...and precious lessons learnt.

Anonymous said...

yo... hrmmmm since we would be gone from the world someday, i think the only things we could do now is to treasure and enjoy wat we have now.... haha, i must admit i only understood this logic only up till now. I must admit that i am so silly in the past such that i kinda lose many things in my life..lolz There is no problem in us to sometimes look back and recall previous events but i think in the end we must try to look forward. Ha ha anyway life is not life if it is always what we wanted it to be... So cheer up, girl...:p

Jenn said...
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